Burch’s Bookkeeping & Tax Service

Our intent here at Burch’s Bookkeeping & Tax Service is to keep clients and employees healthy while continuing to provide quality service to our customers. While it is not business as usual, we are always here to help you. To minimize the spread of COVID-19, we ask that unless you must come here physically, please reach out to us by phone, email, or fax. Our office will continue to be operational even in the event of a “shelter in place” mandate. 

A couple of key points:

  • As the federal and state governments roll out guidance for obtaining financial support for small businesses, we will be here to help you acquire financial assistance if and when it is available. The Families First Coronavirus Response Act became law Wednesday, which includes some refundable tax credits for sick pay to employees and affected self-employed individuals who are suffering from COVID-19 or are caring for an infected family member.  Until the IRS has more guidance on these laws, we don’t know much regarding accessing funds for you. We should have more information starting next week (March 30).
  • The 2019 tax deadline has been extended to July 15, 2020. Oregon has not yet extended its deadline for taxes. While your tax deadline has been extended, please don’t procrastinate! If you have refunds, you can file your taxes and get your refund to help you with cash flow now. If you owe taxes, we can find out how much you owe so you can plan.
  • Your employees will be able to file unemployment if you do not have work for them. Unemployment benefits are maximized, and the standard waiting period is waived along with the job search requirement. Here’s a link to the unemployment department page regarding business layoffs and closures related to COVID-19. https://www.oregon.gov/employ/Pages/COVID-19.aspx
  • Once we complete your tax return, we will mail a copy of tax forms to your mailing address on file. Please be sure to update your mailing address at our office if necessary.

Serving you in your home or business is why we are here. Thank you so much for your business. We appreciate you, and we hope that you are staying safe, happy, and healthy.